Quality Improvement in Nursing Practice- Investing in Apprenticeships
In this presentation, Brittany Burke, DNP, RN, NEA-BC discusses how Norton Healthcare’s Student Nurse Apprenticeship Program (SNAP) utilized the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) pre-licensure competencies to create a readiness for practice program, contributing to a nurse workforce pipeline solution.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this program, the participant will be able to:
- Review Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) pre-licensure knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs)
- Discuss the Student Nurse Apprenticeship Program (SNAP) at Norton Healthcare
- Explain why healthcare leaders must support apprenticeship programs

Assistant Chief Learning Officer
System Director
Dr. Brittany Burke is Assistant Chief Learning Officer/System Director of Norton Healthcare’s Institute for Education and Development in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Burke provides strategic leadership to over 400 employees through student and professional employment. Dr. Burke also works to streamline academic practice partnerships, collaborations, and affiliations as well as onsite clinical placements across Norton Healthcare hospitals, Norton Medical Group, and Norton Cancer Institute. For the past 17 years, Dr. Burke has held a number of roles in both acute care and in nursing leadership, as well as supports growth academically as a certified nurse leader, national presenter, member of nursing advisory boards, adjunct faculty, and published author. She is a member of the American Organization of Nursing Leadership, and it’s sub-committee on Academic-Practice Partnerships, Sigma Theta Tau International, and Kentucky Organization of Nurse Leaders. Dr. Burke enjoys investing in education at all levels, collaborating with leaders to create an environment for learning and success.
CE Information
This activity offers 1.0 CE credit to attendees.
Accredited by Kentucky Board of Nursing.
KBN Approval. This offering for contact hours is provided by the Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA). Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN). KBN Provider Number: 1-0001. KBN CE Providership Approval through December 31, 2025. KBN approval of an individual continuing nursing education provider does not constitute endorsement of program/offering content. 50 minutes = 1.0 KBN Contact Hour.
Originally offered March,9 2023. Please be aware any interactive elements of the presentation were only applicable during the live viewing.
Activity Content
Registration to this activity includes access to the following supporting materials.
- BB- KNA Starting Slides, 1.30.23 (1).pdf (Size: 290 KB)
Duration: 34 minutes | Quality: HD
10 questions
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