Damaging Data – Nurses face the health inequities encoded in artificial intelligence technologies
The American Nurses Association (ANA) holds nurses “responsible for being informed about” artificial intelligence (AI) and for “ensuring the appropriate use of AI to optimize the health and well-being of those in their care” (ANA, 2022). By exploring key terms artificial intelligence, algorithms, algorithmic bias, machine learning, data, big data, and health inequities, this presentation will highlight the “power imbalances related to the creation, development, and use” of artificial intelligence that reinforce rather than eliminate inequities in access to healthcare. An overview of the ANA’s position statement, “The Ethical Use of AI (2022)” will be used to interrogate participants’ experience with AI and to inspire a commitment to action.
Learning Objectives
By participating in the Poll Everywhere activities, attendees will fulfill the following learning outcomes: recall, recognition, differentiation, discussion, planning, & evaluation.

CE Information
This activity offers 1.0 CE credit to attendees.
Accredited by Kentucky Board of Nursing.
KBN Approval. This offering for contact hours is provided by the Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA). Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN). KBN Provider Number: 1-0001. KBN CE Providership Approval through December 31, 2025. KBN approval of an individual continuing nursing education provider does not constitute endorsement of program/offering content. 50 minutes = 1.0 KBN Contact Hour.
Activity Content
Duration: about 1 hour | Quality: HD
8 questions
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