KNA 2023 Annual Conference Session 2: All Nurses Are Leaders: Finding and Achieving the Desired Brand Image of Nursing in Kentucky
CE Information
1.5 CE creditsCompletion Time
1 hour, 15 minutesPosted By
Kentucky Nurses AssociationNavigate
Management/Admin/Leadership, Other, and Professional DevelopmentNursing lacks a consistent and accurate brand image that is actively managed and communicated within the profession, and externally to the general public. Nursing has reinforced caring and compassion but has invested insufficient effort toward intentionally communicating other desirable traits which more accurately encompass the advancing roles of contemporary nurse leaders. Stereotypes persist with the public along with images of nurses as caring but limited in influence as helpers, rather than leaders. During this session, nurses will apply principles of branding theory to describe the inconsistencies in nursing’s brand image as they explore national research findings describing the current –vs- desired state of nursing’s brand image. Finally, implications will be considered for living the desired brand image "All Nurses are Leaders" as the future brand image of nursing in Kentucky and across the globe.
Learning Objectives
1. Apply principles of branding theory to describe the inconsistencies in nursing’s brand image.
2. Discuss research findings summarizing the current –vs- most desired brand image for the nursing profession both nationally and internationally.
3. Translate brand image of nursing research findings to the perceptions of nurses in Kentucky.
4. Discuss implications for achieving "All Nurses are Leaders" as the future brand image of nursing in Kentucky.

Assistant Professor
Dolores White, DNP, RN, CNE, is the President of the Kentucky Nurses Association and is an Assistant Professor at Northern Kentucky University in the Graduate Nursing Program. Dr. White has collaborated on research related to the Brand Image of Nursing and Kentucky nurses’ perception on the workforce during the pandemic; and she has 27 years of nursing experience in a variety of clinical, education, and leadership roles that have provided her with the opportunity to advocate for nurses and the nursing profession at the local, state, and federal level.

Co-Founding Director and Senior Researcher, Institute for the Brand Image of Nursing
Dr. Judi Godsey is DNP faculty in the College of Nursing at the University of Kentucky. She is a researcher and Co-Founding Director of the Institute for the Brand Image of Nursing. Dr. Godsey has more than 30 years of nursing experience and has contributed numerous publications, including Factors Contributing to the Inconsistent Brand Image of Nursing, which received the national “Excellence in Research Award” by the American Academy of Nursing last year. Dr. Godsey was recently awarded “Researcher of the Year” by the Kentucky Nurses Association.

Co-Founding Director, Institute for the Brand Image of Nursing; Professor of Marketing, Xavier University
Dr. Tom Hayes is Professor of Marketing at the Williams College of Business at Xavier University where he has taught for forty-six years. He has also served as Dean for the College, Chair of Marketing and as Director of Institutional Advancement. Dr. Hayes is Co-Founding Director of the Institute for the Brand Image of Nursing. He is also a founding partner SimpsonScarborough, a full service marketing consulting agency for institutions of higher education. Dr. Hayes has published numerous journal articles and books.
CE Information
This activity offers 1.5 CE credits to attendees.
Accredited by Kentucky Board of Nursing.
KBN Approval. This offering for contact hours is provided by the Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA). Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN). KBN Provider Number: 1-0001. KBN CE Providership Approval through December 31, 2023. KBN approval of an individual continuing nursing education provider does not constitute endorsement of program/offering content. 50 minutes = 1.0 KBN Contact Hour.
Originally offered November 3, 2023. Please be aware any interactive elements of the presentation were only applicable during the live viewing.
Activity Content
Registration to this activity includes access to the following supporting materials.
- All Nurses Are Leaders (Size: 4.65 MB)
Duration: about 1 hour | Quality: HD
11 questions
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